One of the questions that always show on the searches is “can I scuba dive without certification?” The short answer is YES! Dive centers worldwide offer an introduction to scuba diving (Resort Course, also known as PADI DSD) that usually takes a half-day to complete. The resort course can be conducted in a pool, lake, or ocean under the direct supervision of a diving professional.
The Resort course consists of a short video, explaining what scuba diving is, the fundamentals of scuba diving, underwater signs and signals, the equipment, and what to expect on the dive. You will then spend time with a diving professional practicing the skills you will require to learn to scuba dive. Once successful with the skills, you are ready to explore the reef with your dive instructor. The best place to try scuba diving is in the Tropics, here is why. The water is warm, swim with marine life, have a front view of coral reef, and a great place for a getaway. A place that is on the radar of travel magazines is Belize. Diving magazines had listed it as one of the top ten diving destinations in the world. Scuba Travel wrote an article on “World's Best Places for Scuba Diving,” other magazines emphasize coral reefs and marine life. TripAdvisor put Belize on the top family vacation. Read the dive center's reviews, it's important to choose a reputable dive center, so do your research before signing up for it.
A place that is a diver's paradise is San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize. The reef is within eight minutes boat ride from Scuba School And Family Dive Center Belize, the number one training facility of the country. SSAFDCB focuses more on teaching from beginner to professionals divers, a perfect place for non-divers to get your feet wet for the first time with scuba. For more information, email
